A Guide to IoT Connectivity, IoT SIM Cards & Multi-Network Systems

A guide to IoT Connectivity, IoT SIM Cards & Multi-network Platforms

What is IoT?

IoT is an acronym widely used for describing the Internet of Things. Typically, IoT is used on a vast range of devices viewed as inanimate objects designed to serve a particular function or use. IoT devices, by their nature, tend to be geographically dispersed and installed at scale.

Therefore, to perform effectively, they require some level of device intelligence, resilience, secure and legitimate connectivity, and the capability to be remotely managed.

IoT devices need to connect to the internet. They mostly do this by connecting through mobile networks via IoT SIM cards, otherwise also known as IoT SIMs, M2M SIMs, Multi-Network SIMs or Roaming SIMs.

Currently, there are over 35 billion IoT devices worldwide, which is, with that number is estimated to reach more than 75 billion by 2025. The use of IoT is spread across many sectors but is most prominent in:

  • Alarms, CCTV and Security
  • Fleet Management
  • Business and Manufacturing
  • Healthcare and Assisted Living
  • Retail, Hospitality and Point of Sale
  • Vehicle Insurance
  • Smart Devices & Appliances
  • EV Charging
  • Building Access and Control Systems

What is IoT Connectivity?

IoT devices can offer a range of valuable public and commercial services for businesses and users, helping reduce costs and increase efficiency. However, these ‘smart’ devices require secure and resilient connectivity to operate beneficially and profitably.

IoT Connectivity can take a range of forms, but due to the benefits of portability, flexibility, and universality, IoT devices predominately use wireless systems. This most typically involves the use of the mobile GSM infrastructure.

What is an IoT SIM Card?

An IoT SIM Card, also known as an M2M SIM card, is a SIM card designed to be installed in a range of IoT Devices. These cards provide both secure data storage and secure access to cellular networks, allowing IoT devices to connect to the internet without needing a Wi-Fi or other wireless network.

IoT SIM cards come in a range of form factors so that they can fit in different types of IoT devices. They can be fitted within a SIM slot or container and are therefore physically changeable or be fitted at manufacture as an embedded SIM or eSIM.

eSIMs need to be fitted with a high-quality global roaming IoT SIM card or bootstrap profile, or a high quality and supportable eUICC solution to ensure roaming flexibility and future-proofing of connectivity.

As IoT devices are usually stand-alone or mobile, they need to be managed remotely. IoT SIMs are therefore managed by IoT SIM Card Management systems, which provision them, set up their communications plans, activate, deactivate and record usage and generate billing.

The IoT SIM Card supplies the secure authentication for the IoT device to connect correctly to mobile networks, ensuring the signalling and traffic are routed securely and reliably via the correct system checkpoints and network nodes.

These IoT SIM identifiers are also used for extra network features such as Virtual Private Networks (VPN) and for setting and blocking certain features. SIM provisioning codes ensure billing is correctly apportioned to each radio and routing network, the originating user devices and the various service providers.

Typical use cases for IoT SIMs include:

How do IoT SIM Cards Differ from Ordinary Consumer SIMs?

IoT SIMs are designed specifically for use in Internet of Things devices, often needing less power and having a wide network range despite having a lower data rate and more security options. This helps ensure the IoT device has a reliable connection to the internet at all times, allowing it to deliver accurate data when needed.

In addition, many IoT SIM cards come with special features such as Multi-Network roaming, allowing IoT devices to search for the best connection available and switch between networks on the fly.

IoT SIM Cards are securely coded at their manufacture and then provisioned by the IoT Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) for an assorted range of approved IoT applications.

Through commercial agreements between mobile network operators (MNOs), IoT Virtual Mobile Network Operators and infrastructure providers, IoT SIM cards can maintain a reliable and extensive connection to networks.

IoT SIM Card Formats

There’s not a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to IoT SIM cards. They are manufactured in a range of form factors and chipsets to suit a variety of IoT devices. This can include various sizes and embedded chips designed for more miniature or environmentally challenging environments such as high levels of motion or vibration.

All IoT SIM card formats, including chip SIM cards, provide secure IoT SIM card credentials that enable device verification, access and encryption on a local mobile available network, broader internet data networks and global network infrastructure.

For more severe applications, industrial SIM card technology provides greater protection for extreme temperatures, environments and vibration.

IoT SIMs and their Roaming Agreements

For their continued long-term connection, it is therefore crucial that they are identified as authorised IoT devices and remain protected by legitimate commercial IoT device agreements with those host mobile network operators who are vital for providing the radio and base station switching networks.

Most MNOs welcome authorised IoT agreements with credible and trustworthy IoT MVNOs as they provide reciprocal forms of revenue streams without the headache of excessive or unconstrained signalling which can significantly degrade general network performance.

IoT Roaming interfaces and agreements are typically provided by the IoT or roaming part of a MNO organisation. They work with other MNO and MVNO mediators to provide seamless IoT connectivity.

Remote Management of IoT SIMs

Remote management is essential with any IoT devices, as they typically cannot be managed locally by their users/owners or retail outlets. Because of this, IoT SIM cards require configuration changes to be made remotely and securely, and their costs to be continuously monitored and controlled independently of the Mobile Network Operator’s systems.

IoT Connectivity

Why Use Multi-Network Connectivity for IoT Devices?

Most IoT devices use multi-network connectivity systems which are authenticated by or powered by IoT SIMs. A multi-network system is a type of IoT solution that leverages multiple different networks to provide the best connection for an IoT device.

This can include both cellular and satellite networks, allowing an IoT device to remain connected even if one of the networks fails. This ensures the device has a reliable connection and reduces the risk of data being lost. Multi-network connectivity allows IoT SIMs to connect to any radio network within a particular country.

Motivations for using multi-network connectivity include:

  • Enlarge geographical coverage
  • Provide geo-resilient and geo-redundant systems
  • Increase service uptime
  • Ensure resilient and cost-effective cross-border roaming
  • Avoid local, regional, national or international service outages on a single network
  • Manage medium to large-scale SIM deployments and assets
  • Enable management of enterprise and SME IoT connectivity well beyond the consumer-centred retail & smartphone services individual MNOs provide
  • Utilising expert help and IoT support systems

The Benefits of Multi-Network IoT SIMs

Multi-network systems provide substantial benefits for IoT service providers, given that they are carefully managed. Consumer mobile phones typically remain connected to one network due to the competitive nature of that use case.

By employing commercial IoT roaming agreements and investing in interfacing systems and technologies, however, IoT MVNOs can deliver multi-network capability for IoT devices. Allowing them to connect to the most favourable network based upon their local, physical, geographical, or temporal circumstances.

Using the existing GSM mobile network infrastructure in this way, therefore underpins most public and commercial IoT services. Providing the ubiquitous access needed and the ability to legitimately authenticate devices on the various mobile networks and their visitor location registers.

A managed IoT SIM with robust connectivity plans will, therefore, enable its associated IoT device to connect to multiple networks, supplying resilience, flexibility, and service performance.

As IoT devices are released and move or travel, the ability to connect to the widest variety of mobile networks in a region or across borders, ensures services are not interrupted while avoiding unexpected out-of-zone penalties. In mobile environments, such multi-network capability helps increase overall capacity and improves data rates.

It is also key that IoT SIM cards are supported by a SIM Management Platform together with a flexible approach and the ability to change tariffs and suspend SIMs. IoT devices cycle through various lifecycles which to be cost-effective require that the connectivity and associated costs be switched off during these ’downtimes’.

What Roles do IoT MVNOs and IoT SIM Providers Play in the Sector?

Selecting the right connectivity and IoT SIM partner is critical, not only in helping choose, configure, and optimise the device’s connectivity with the necessary long-term commercial agreements but also in providing real-time advice and support should any of the MNO’s networks or devices suffer issues.

Indeed, some compatibility issues may require more involved investigations. This is where a partner with high levels of telecom network expertise and resourced support structures is invaluable.

Close relationships with our customers and partners also ensure that providers such as Caburn Telecom constantly monitor and test networks; often advising MNO problems to our clients in advance of the networks detecting problems themselves.

Caburn Telecom’s large client network also helps us to continuously monitor service levels and user experiences. This is achieved by advising in good time of network features, upgrades, or sunsets. Safeguarding technologies which match the desired evolution and lifespan of devices is important, as the costs of a retrofit of dispersed devices are viewed as a failure of foresight.

The Importance of Legitimate IoT Roaming Agreements for IoT SIMs

A high-quality connectivity partner also ensures communication plans and agreements match use cases. MNOs dislike their networks being infiltrated by undisclosed M2M / IoT device signalling and closely monitor these situations.

Spotting IoT SIM profiles not in line with their connectivity plans and pre-agreed commercial arrangements means they may unilaterally apply extra surcharges for those groups of devices, or permanently block those ranges of IoT SIMs.

A high-quality provider also invests in optimising and upgrading their networks and works closely with MNOs to create strong, mutually beneficial relationships.

world IoT connectivity

IoT SIM Card Single Network Coverage Claims

Coverage Data: Crowdsourced Data or MNO Provider’s Maps?

Each individual network’s extent of mobile radio coverage is contentious. Coverage maps are usually provided by MNOs themselves or via crowdsourcing mechanisms.

Coverage can be patchy, however, and newer technologies are usually deployed based upon likely returns on investment or economic factors. This means that rural or poorer areas are usually less well served, as service voids remain and local availability of 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G operational infrastructures vary.

Indeed, coverage maps tend not to objectively reflect the operational experience of users. This is particularly important for national deployments which may require service ubiquity and high coverage. Indeed, cities are not exempt. Buildings and indoor locations can attenuate networks which means an alternative mobile network is needed. High general usage can also reduce the performance of an individual network, which means alternatives need to be available.

Crowdsourcing data conflates indoor and outdoor measurements and does not reflect device characteristics, handling or limitations. Confusing the significant effects that buildings and structures have on reducing signal strength. Similarly, the impact of attenuation, poor weather, radio shadows, operational voids, weak signals and temporal variations tend not to be considered.

Please find below some online resources for checking or benchmarking network coverage or expected network performance:

All Regions:

GSMA – Network Coverage Maps

IoT Deployment Maps: GSMA | Mobile IoT Deployment Map | Internet of Things

EU: European Commission:

netBravo (europa.eu)

UK Coverage

Ofcom: View mobile availability – Ofcom Checker

Vodafone: Network Status checker | Check your signal | Vodafone

O2: O2 Network Coverage Checker | 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G Coverage

3 UK: Check your network coverage | Support | Three

EE Coverage & Network Status Checker | Check your signal

USA Coverage:

FCC: Mobile LTE Coverage Map | Federal Communications Commission (fcc.gov)

Actual User Experiences: IoT Device and IoT SIM Card Performance

Device connectivity also depends upon a dynamic range of local and core-network system interactions, which affect performance and service levels. For these reasons, and due to the nature and complexity of mobile networks, it is recommended that actual user experiences (client-assisted data) form part of the measurements. These are continuously checked to factor in environmental, temporal, and contextual changes.

Multi Network IoT SIM Cards

These practical problems mean experienced IoT service providers typically extend geographical and temporal service levels via a multi-network approach. In the consumer and business markets, the main mobile network operators are competing, making neutral cross-relationships unworkable.

Multi-network providers like Caburn Telecom, however, work to deliver a structure that allows devices to select and communicate with the best network available. This is achieved by producing an IoT SIM that is accepted by each of the MNOs via long-term agreements.

By providing a single IoT SIM with a world-class global IoT roaming profile, Caburn Telecom are able to deliver to our customers a single SIM SKU which can be fitted in the factory. This is complemented by our eSIM and eUICC services which offer a comprehensive choice of IMSI profiles. This ensures that IoT data packages suit the business and cost profiles needed by large-scale clients with the ability to connect over multiple carriers.

High-Quality IoT SIM Cards and their Support Systems

A high-quality IoT multi-network provider ensures these roaming agreements reflect the type of devices and their expected connectivity profiles. For example, while early M2M devices and their traffic tended to involve small data packets, increasingly devices require human interaction or supply some level of service experience for the user. Beit voice quality, latency, speed of service, privacy, or security. Increasingly, much broader use applications recognise the benefits of multi-network connectivity and look to integrate them into wider service offerings.

Mission Critical IoT Services

IoT SIM card solutions for mission-critical services including vehicle telematics, insurance, lone workers, telehealth, telecare, assisted living, epos terminals, hot-spots, routers, personal security devices, CCTV, bodycams, asset security and management systems all rely on multi-network connectivity.

In these sorts of user and device interactions, it is important to consider not only the quality of service but also the quality of experience as well as providing real-time monitoring and warning systems.

Internet of things, car connectivity

Mobile Systems and Device Interrelationships with IoT SIM Cards

Mobile systems are convoluted and when combined form complex ecosystems. Ubiquitous access depends not only upon the specialised IoT SIM variant but also on the device’s compatibility with the various radio frequencies and the variety of network evolutions supported by each network.

For example, approved modems, the access technologies available and each network provider(s) regional and national implementation and disposal of 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G infrastructure.

IoT SIMs and IoT Devices

A global IoT SIM card and the multi-network characteristics of the IoT device are also affected by the capabilities of the IoT device itself. Vast arrays of devices have different levels of network intelligence or selection logic. Some are battery-powered and others connected to the mains supply.

In IoT devices, the SIM card is available as an ‘on demand IoT SIM’ for reading and polling by the modem hardware and firmware as required. This is typical through the use of AT commands to instruct the modem and its communications.

Remaining connected to the network, or the need to close connections in sleep and hibernation modes to conserve battery life will therefore vary by circumstance. Some will have simple network selection algorithms based upon signal strength, while others will have more astute selection procedures.

For example, the firmware can be designed to select networks manually or automatically. More intelligent devices can use network evaluation steps/algorithms for selecting the best network to connect with.

Selecting the Strongest Signal or Network Selection Algorithms?

While the most primitive devices will select based on the strongest signal only, irrespective of bandwidth or services available, others can select based on the availability of the required services, unique communication requirements, or will ping certain data services to first measure end-to-end data connectivity.

For instance, selecting a network-based simply on signal strength may mean that a 2G or 3G network is selected when a slightly lower strength 4G one is available.

This may not matter for those applications requiring a simple voice connection, but for those needing data only, it can severely affect service or performance. This device capability is also important as devices may need to intelligently select or switch networks in certain circumstances.

For example:

  1. If the local strongest measured signal by the device is 2G, but data connectivity is required;
  2. One of the MNOs suffers core network issues, which to the device appears that a network is available when end-to-end connectivity on that network is not possible; and
  3. Other contextual or temporal factors mean the loss of a radio connection or time-outs, which the device will need to have processes in place to manage.

Network selection criteria become especially important when there is congestion on one of the networks or an outage. This is crucial as a catastrophic failure on an individual MNO core network could result in hours of downtime on that network, while investigation, rectification and recovery works are implemented.

This can sometimes involve load balancing and management of traffic congestion through points of failure or constriction.

The ability to select another network in this scenario is invaluable. Eliminating such periods, where none of the population of IoT devices can communicate for an extended period.

The Role of eUICC, eSIM and Multi IMSI in IoT SIM Card Selection

Embedded SIMs (eSIM), provide a useful solution for incorporating a small IoT SIM card chip directly on a printed circuit board with no need for a separate SIM slot. For saving space and high-vibration use cases such as industrial and automotive, they can provide many benefits. The obvious drawback is that the IoT SIM card cannot be swapped as there is no SIM carrier or slot.

eUICC technologies enable the mobile carrier to be changed or at least a selection to be loaded at manufacture or over the air. While this technology is clearly well suited to eSIM modules, it can also be applied to traditional plastic SIM cards at manufacture.

Multi-IMSI IoT SIMs offer numerous advantages. For example, having more than one roaming profile means that regional cost variances can be more flexibly accommodated by changing the roaming carrier depending on the device location. It also means that if there is an outage on one roaming carrier network, the IoT device can select another. This increases uptime and resilience.

Of course, IMSI profiles come at a cost, so having the best and most efficient selection of Tier 1 carriers is important. Having too many profiles may not meet the connectivity cost budget.

To understand more about IoT SIM card technologies, please read our articles which help explain the terminology, the role they play in IoT and some typical use cases.

Keeping data secured using a virtual private network (VPN)

About Caburn Telecom; our IoT SIMs, Global Reach and Management Services

Caburn Telecom are a leading global provider of connectivity for Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices.

Our focus is the development of advanced mobile connectivity solutions and associated management systems. Our  IoT SIMs, chip-SIMs and IoT eSIMs, provide the flexibility and high service levels vital for distributed IoT devices to operate effectively. We provide multi-network capability together with the streamlined management of IoT SIM populations.

Caburn Telecom’s secure client portals deliver easy-to-use interfaces for understanding and administering the connectivity of devices. Traffic details and actual (and predicted) costs can be viewed at the group(s) and the individual level.

Our innovative and flexible connectivity packages allow IoT service providers to maximise their assets and manage the operational life cycles of devices.

We provide global IoT multi-network roaming SIMs, EU wide plans, eSIM, eUICC SIM options, North American Solutions, Pan-African IoT SIMs, South and South East Asia, China, Middle East and Latin America. as well as our high data IoT SIM card UK and Ireland solution.

Please therefore contact us to discuss your IoT project and how our IoT solutions and IoT SIMs can power your cellular connectivity. Our IoT data plans are flexible and cost-effective. We not only provide multinetwork IoT SIMs, but also IoT eSIM and eUICC IoT SIMs. This enables us to provide global coverage for your IoT projects and IoT deployments.

Becoming a client or partner of Caburn Telecom means that we will help you take control of your IoT network.